We recognise that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm. We believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment in which pupils can learn and also promote the social, physical and emotional wellbeing of each individual pupil.
The school will raise child protection concerns with parents/carers at the earliest appropriate opportunity, and work in partnership with them and other agencies to improve outcomes. The school will ensure that all staff are provided with the appropriate training in child protection issues, as recommended in the guidance. In particular designated members of staff will be released to attend the necessary enhanced training courses to enable them to carry out their role effectively.
All staff and volunteers are required to read the safeguarding policy carefully and to be aware of their role in these processes. All new staff will have the opportunity to discuss safeguarding requirements and this policy during their induction process.
We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. We have robust policies in place for ensuring the wellbeing of our children. These policies underpin our practice and values shared by every single member of staff in our school. Copies are available from the school office.
What to do if you are concerned about a child
Children and young people have the right to grow up safe from harm or abuse. If you are worried about a child or young person, please contact one of the designated leads above.
Our Lead Governor for Safeguarding is: Mrs Hannah Hogg
A fun way to think and celebrate our differences.
As part of the Government's Prevent strategy, all staff have completed CHANNEL training. If you are interested in learning more about "CHANNEL" please click the find out more button.
PREVENT Duty Guidance.
Children as young as six are being forced to carry and sell drugs far away from their homes. They are made to skip school, sleep in drug dens, keep secrets from their loved ones. They are treated as criminals when they often feel trapped in a hopeless situation.
Enough is enough. County lines and child exploitation must stop. Work is being carried out to end this type of abuse and give those who have been exploited a chance for a better future.
Early Help (or early intervention) is support given to a family when a problem first emerges. It can be at any stage in a child or young person's life. The aim is to improve outcomes for children.
At Sale and Davys C.E.Primary School Early Help is provided by Children First Derby and Derbyshire Childrens Services.
For more information on Early Help please see the NSPCC site Early Help
We hold an Anti-Bullying week every year in school. Collective Worship focuses all week on anti-bullying themes and children take part in various workshops including E-Safety, Extremism and Cyber Bullying.
Please see our Anti Bullying policy below for more information.
We invite the NSPCC into school every year to deliver their "Speak Out, Stay Safe" programme. This is delivered by specially trained staff and consists of a whole school assembly and specific workshops targetted for KS1 and KS2 children. The Speak Out, Stay Safe programme aims to give children the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse.
We have joined councils and schools across the UK by sharing the Expert Parent's Guide to Childhood Anxiety. Please Click Here for more information.
If you are considering changing school, it is important to inform the Headteacher as we have a duty to inform the Authority of any child that we believe has left our school and has not provided forwarding information on their destination and education provision. If we are unable to establish your child's new school, we would have to refer them as a missing child to Education Welfare Services. As a result, your child's name may be kept on a missing register and efforts will be made to trace them. It is also important to know about a new school so that we can send on your child's records. At the point when you have decided to change school, please ask the school office for a Pupil Exit Form. If you are concerned that the details of your destination should not be shared with anyone but the Headteacher, please discuss this with her. She will be able to ensure that access to your new address details is restricted appropriately
Children and young people use many different social media apps and sites. The most popular are Facebook and Instagram, with many others such as Snapchat, TikTok and Twitter.
There are lots of benefits to social networking. They can allow users to stay connected with friends and family. They can also learn many different things, from gaming tutorials to making slime, or how to create their own videos.
Like most things, there can be negatives too. For children and young people there are risks that you should be aware of, to help keep your child safe on social media.
From gaming and chat, to streaming and video, young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of. Safer Internet Day 2023 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that is whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers.
National Online Safety is a website dedicated to keeping children safe online by providing online safety education, training and updates which empower the whole school community.
The NSPCC have provided some guidance on their website. Here is the link, click on the green 'see more' icon underneath the section titled 'Supporting Young People's Mental Health'
Childline is there to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.
Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night. You can talk to them:
Action for Children have produced a really useful booklet full of activities that older children can do by themselves and younger children can do with an adult or older sibling. You will find the link below.
Pupils will remember the visit from Relax Kids during our Sports and Wellbeing week last summer. They learned relaxation and breathing techniques and some yoga and self massage. Search for Relax Kids Derbyshire Bonnie on Facebook and look for the posts made on 20th, 21st and 23rd May which are videos of mindful breath meditation, massage and breathing techniques similar to those the children tried at school.
Check out Yoga for Kids or Children's Yoga on YouTube. There are many different clips to try - choose one that you think your child would enjoy.
We are committed to promoting the wellbeing and academic progress of looked after children and previously looked after children. Our commitment is clearly set out in our Looked After Children Policy