English Intent
Sale and Davys School community work together to promote and develop a love of reading, writing, speaking and listening. In order to achieve this all children have the opportunity to apply their skills across the curriculum through a range of experiences and learning activities. Church services, themed weeks/day, collective worship and other enriched curriculum events provide a driving force for the children to develop confidence through overlearning essential skills which will help them later in life.
• A phonics programme is in place for all reception children. This starts in September.
• Tricky words picture books, this supports the phonics scheme.
• Year 1 and year 2 children receive differentiated phonics sessions delivered by TAs and teachers. Lower ability year 3 and year 4 children also access phonics sessions.
• The reading scheme consists of a range of books that support phonetics and uses visual cues as an aid to understanding.
• A love of reading is encouraged through free choice selection of reading books both from home and school. A daily opportunity is available for children in all year groups to change books. This is closely monitored.
• Guided reading is in place across the school to ensure that children read and develop a range of reading skills with a teacher.
• The skills of comprehension are taught inherently throughout the curriculum and link in with topics, writing genres and class books where appropriate.
• Those same skills are applied explicitly through differentiated comprehension texts in English sessions. • Class books are carefully selected and read daily to the children – this is to foster a deeper appreciation of the written word and promote the desire to both listen to and read for themselves. Children also learn from hearing adults read aloud skills of – fluency, intonation and expression.
• In addition, Reading Buddies are in place to support younger children in a shared session to promote learning and a love of reading.
• Books are available in our central and class library areas for children to access during lessons – supporting learning and developing research skills.
• The enriched curriculum provides both opportunities for reinforcing learning through a range of activities such as: presentations and productions to an audience and in fostering a deeper love of reading.
• Writing opportunities are provided for all of the children across the school. Wherever possible, these are linked to texts used in both English and other subjects.
• GAPS are taught in both standalone lessons and integrated into our writing sessions which again are integral to other curriculum subjects.
• Speaking and listening opportunities are wide and varied. They are continually being developed throughout the curriculum. As part of our English sessions these will be in the form of reading opportunities, asking and answering questions as well as offering opinions plus drama. Debate, presentations and speaking to a wider audience through collective worships and church services also provide a valuable forum.
We're excited to share that some of our talented pupils have entered a radio competition! They’ve put a lot of creativity and effort into their entry. You can hear their entry below: