The Department for Education stresses the need to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of:
At Sale & Davys, we actively promote British Values in our teaching and collective worship. We also have strong ties with the local community and church; children and their families are invited to participate in St Wilfrid's services.
We have a school council which meets at least once every term. Children vote for 1 boy and 1 girl to represent each year group. The school council meet with the school's Governing Body biannually and present their activities during the year.
Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, parents, local authority, community and church; they meet monthly with the Headteacher.
We actively invite parents and carers for their views throughout the year; the Headteacher is available on the playground at the start and end of the school day; questionnaires are distributed to parents and carers at our biannual Parents' Evenings and pupils are asked to complete an annual questionnaire. A summary of the findings and resulting actions are publicised in school.
Rule of Law
Before starting school, children, parents and the Headteacher commit to our Home School Agreement. School Rules are reviewed with the children at the start of each academic year and children agree on class rules with their teacher.
Lunchtime Supervisors promote Playground Rules for fair and happy playtimes.
Annual visits from the local fire service and our Police Community Support Officer reinforce the need for laws and how they protect the community.
Individual Liberty
We aim to provide a supportive environment within which children and staff can make informed choices and voice their opinions. We have a Worry Box if children need to voice any concerns and a Prayer Tree for children to write their prayers and thoughts for others. At playtimes children are free to choose playground games and activities. We teach children about their personal rights and freedoms and how to be safe in collective worship, PSHCE and E-Safety sessions.
Mutual Respect
Children learn about specific British celebrations, events and commemorations through history topics and Collective Worship. For example, children worked with the Parish Historians to produce a project on the village's history; Remembrance Day 2 minute silence is observed every year. For the Platinum Jubilee, children researched key events in Queen Elizabeth's reign and produced portraits of the Queen and made decorative bunting. The village of Barrow-upon-Trent is one of the most patriotic villages in the country; of all the villages in the country it has the largest proportion of men who signed up for service in World War One. To mark the war's centenary the school took part in the village's re-dedication of the Memorial Cross.
Tolerance of those of different Faiths & Beliefs
Our Collective Worship and PSHCE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. Key celebrations in different faiths are learned about, for example, Christmas, Diwali, Ramadan and Passover. Children visit the Open Centre in Derby every 2 years to learn about the Sikh and Hindu faiths and we are visited by members of the nearby Tara Kadampa centre to explore the Buddhist faith.