Derby Diocesan Academy Trust (DDAT) is the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. We collect and hold personal information relating to our pupils and may also receive information about them from their previous school, local authority and/or the Department for Education (DfE). We use this personal data to:
This information will include their contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, any exclusion information, where they go after they leave us, any special educational needs they may have as well as relevant medical information.
All of the information we hold on individuals follows the 6 key principles:
1. Fair, lawful and transparent
2. Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes.
3. Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary.
4. Accurate, and where necessary, kept up to date.
5. Kept in a form which permits identification for no longer than is necessary.
6. Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security.
We are required, by law, to pass certain information about our pupils to our local authority (LA) and the Department for Education (DfE). We will not give information about our pupils to anyone without your consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. You can withdraw your consent for your son or daughter’s information to be held and/or shared by contacting the School Business Assistant
For information on Data Protection and GDPR including policies on Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Privacy Notices at Sale and Davys C.E Primary School, please refer to our Academy Trust website.