Sale and Davys School community work together to enable children to be confident, knowledgeable and safe users of information and computing technology. Through carefully planned teaching sessions, drawing on the resource ‘Purple Mash’, we aim for children to be digitally literate with the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to enable them to be able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas with information and computing technology. We want our children to move on to secondary education with a firm foundation in Computing in order that they may move forward with strength into their future learning experiences.
• Computing has a clear place on the teaching and learning timetable.
• Computing lessons are driven by learning outcomes, carefully planned using the progression grids.
• Computing is taught using Purple Mash as a resource.
• Purple Mash Teaching and Learning units are clearly present in medium term planning.
• Y6 Children are encouraged to share their Computing skills in other areas of school life as Digital leaders.
We are excited to be an i-vengers school!
Our i-vengers are a group of children who are interested in technology and also wanting to help make sure everyone in our school community is safe online. They are the online safety heroes of our school!
Each term they have challenges and tasks to complete for example:
· delivering an assembly about the effects of too much screen time and sleep.
· collecting data about pupils technology use and habits to inform future online safety teaching.
· writing a letter to parents with online safety tips for their children.
i-vengers is an initiative endorsed by the Derbyshire and Derby City Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Year 5 and 6 enjoying a workshop run by ‘Positive Social’, learning more about:
• Behaving appropriately when using social media
• Not posting things that will affect their future
• Using social media positively – making a difference to their lives or that of others
• Regularly going into the privacy settings on each network
• Not getting their self-worth from social media
• Questioning what they see on social media rather than accepting it as the truth
• Living full lives in the moment rather than through their phones
Year 5 and 6 getting to know the Micro:bit!
The BBC micro:bit is a fantastic programmable device that allows pupils to get hands-on with coding and physical computing. It can sense, measure and log time, light, temperature, sound, movement and magnetism. Code can be added to bring it to life and data can be collected for maths and science
We're excited to share that some of our talented pupils have entered a radio competition! They’ve put a lot of creativity and effort into their entry. You can hear their entry below:
Please visit our Safeguarding and eSafety pages for information and advice on Internet Safety.