We will all achieve our very best by loving learning, remaining inquisitive, showing resilience and by developing Christian values within our community
The school’s vision is central to the curriculum. Sale and Davys curriculum addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum and is extended through an enriched curriculum which promotes the school’s vision of loving learning, remaining inquisitive, showing resilience and developing Christian values. Collective Worship and the schools house system are strongly interwoven into all aspects of the curriculum, giving children opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that will help them in later life. School leaders have ensured that the curriculum is broad and incorporates themed weeks such as ‘Arts Week’, ‘Science Week’, ‘Sports Week’, ‘Fair Trade’ Week and ‘Global learning days.’ These all help to address gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills and equip pupils with the education they need, within the context of their local area i.e. water safety, Bikeability, global learning and mental health awareness to enable pupils to succeed in life. The curriculum is fully inclusive for all children and provides challenge for the more able. Progression grids are in place for all subjects and these clearly state what children need to know by the end of the year and key stage. Medium term plans consist of a sequence of lessons that build on what has been taught before and have clear learning outcomes which will be built upon in future learning experiences.
Please click here to go to the Department for Education's website.
KEY STAGE 1 - Dart (years 1 and 2)
KEY STAGE 2 - Trent (years 3 and 4) Griffon (years 5 and 6)
We have revised our creative curriculum to reflect the changed national requirements and to provide a stimulating, relevant and balanced programme for our pupils. As we have mixed year groups in our classes, we run a two year rolling programme for our National Curriculum coverage.
Dependant on the class, this includes learning times tables, spelling and topic-based work.
Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 follow the "Little Wandle" scheme of work.
Please visit the Maths page to view the Skills Progression our Maths curriculum by year group. This link states 2014 but please be assured that that was the start date of the programme and it is still ongoing.
Religious Education
RE is taught in accordance with the Derbyshire LA Agreed Syllabus. We are a Church of England Controlled primary school with a strong Christian ethos and focus. This is reflected both in our teaching of RE and during Collective Worship. As well as the study of Christianity, we look at other faiths in order to broaden pupils' understanding.
Merlin Enriched Curriculum (Reception) (pdf)
DownloadDart Enriched Curriculum (Year 1 and 2) (pdf)
DownloadTrent Enriched Curriculum (Year 3 and 4) (pdf)
DownloadGriffon Enriched Curriculum (Year 5 and 6) (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan EYFS 2024 (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan Griffon Cycle 1 (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan Griffon Cycle 2 (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan Dart Cycle1 (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan Dart Cycle 2 (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan Trent Cycle 1 (pdf)
DownloadLong Term Plan Trent Cycle 2 (pdf)
DownloadCurriculum Policy (pdf)