Good school attendance enables children to feel confident and happy about the school work and activities that they participate in. Evidence also shows that those who attend school every day make better progress and achieve more than those who miss time at school. Sale and Davys C.E Primary School has high standards with regards to pupil attendance and punctuality and expects 100%. However, we do appreciate that all children can fall ill from time to time and therefore our school's target is 96% or above. Most children at our school have an excellent attendance record.
Please call the school to report a child’s absence before 9.20 on the day of the absence and each subsequent day of absence, and advise when they are expected to return.
Children will be recorded as late if they are not in their classroom for 8:50am. If your child arrives after registration closes at 9.20am this will be marked as an unauthorised absence. Multiple unauthorised absence could trigger a prosecution under the Education Act.
Whole school attendance figures are published every half term on the home page of the school website.